Sōsei, Hirari and Takeda depart towards the canal, while the rest of the Yamainu Squad deal with Kotaro and the Fuma clansmen. After Tenka and Chūtarō chase Soramaru away from the canal, Chūtarō uses the twin swords to extract the Orochi from Soramaru, turning the skies pitch black. Soramaru is soon equipped with Sōsei's katana to destroy the Orochi. Sōsei confronts Tenka for hiding the fact that he was a guinea pig for the Orochi serum. Chūtarō saves Kagami from a tree struck by lightning, giving him a second chance to live. As the Orochi wreaks havoc, Botan protects Nishiki, then Hirari protects Botan. Tenka and Sōsei attempt to attack Shirasu, but Kotaro grabs Tenka and Sōsei and sacrifices himself in one of the beams from the Orochi, but Tenka and Sōsei only sustain grievous burns. Soramaru, Chūtarō and Takeda use their swords to destroy the Orochi once and for all. As the sun begins to shine, Shirasu falls off a cliff in front of the Kumō brothers after reliving his moments of being with them as a family. The Kumō brothers later host an outdoor party for the townspeople, including the Yamainu Squad.